Outdoor advertising and its features

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Specifics of outdoor advertising placement
Outdoor advertising remains one of the highly effective channels of communication with the target audience. This industry is developing at a fast pace, offering many technical and interactive solutions. In this article, we will talk about the impact of this tool
The largest number of advertising structures located in Uzbekistan is the capital city of Tashkent. In Tashkent, outdoor advertising means are one level higher than other advertising media. This is due to the fact that the main purpose of the media is not the publication of advertising. Television, radio, press function as sources of non-commercial information. Advertising structures are quite the opposite - they are designed to convey commercial information and therefore there are many types of outdoor advertising that can be effective depending on the goals and needs of the company. In addition, it is important to consider not only the advertisement itself, but also its location so that it is as visible to potential customers as possible.
Important features of outdoor and integrated advertising
In order for the effect of outdoor advertising to be high, the advertiser needs to know its features. A person usually knows about advertising until he sees it, and by the end of the day he completely forgets. To keep the attention of viewers, you need to place ads wisely to ensure that the product is in close contact with the consumer. But it is also necessary to comply with measures, because too many advertising media cause the consumer to be disgusted rather than interested. To prevent such a scenario, you need not only to resort to creative solutions, but also to know how to present your product.
There are several important requirements for outdoor advertising:
- Getting attention to yourself
- Don't be loaded
- Be seen more often
- Easy to take on the go
Outdoor Led screens, banners, city formats and other designs are included in complex advertising. Integrated advertising means combining different advertising media that work together. This type of PR is very positive for any business. How it works: I saw, I heard, I read, I became interested… For complex advertising to be successful, you need a good creative concept and the right media plan. An advertising campaign can last as long as you like: a week, a month, a year, and so on. The main thing is to adhere to a single style and brand concept, a pleasant design and an approach to the target audience will increase memorability.
Complex advertising is a large-scale advertising campaign and such things must be planned in advance. You should have enough time to analyze the market and target audience
The success of commercial promotion is determined by several factors. One of them is the right choice of advertising space. It is important to consider that some places may be more efficient than others, especially when there is a high flow of people. In addition, it is necessary to take into account legislative restrictions and bureaucratic procedures that may make it difficult to place outdoor advertising. You should also take into account the needs and interests of the target audience so that advertising is as effective as possible.
Advantages and disadvantages of outdoor advertising
Let's start with the advantages of outdoor advertising:
- Wide reach
- Everyone sees advertising, contact with it is inevitable
- Low ad contact cost
- Can be used at any scale
- Long-lasting impact on the target audience
Disadvantages of outdoor advertising:
- Cannot reach specific audience segments
- Little time to memorize
- Large product descriptions are not perceived by the audience
- Complexity of legislative regulation.
Types of advertising structures
The means of outdoor advertising are quite diverse, so the advertiser can convey the advertising message in different ways. We list the most popular designs.
Billboard — large shield, installed along highways, streets and other crowded places.
Supersite – this is a stand-alone advertising installation outdoor advertising in the form of a large billboard with external lighting installed at a height.
The firewall is a huge billboard placed on the wall.
Led screens
LED screens — device for displaying and transmitting visual information, videos
City formats
City Format — stand-alone outdoor advertising structures, mainly for pedestrians. Standard ad size — 120 cm x 180cm
Roof structures
Roof structure — this a huge advertising structure, installed on the roof of a building or structure
Information ptlons
Pylons - are illuminated advertising structures, usually 2-sided
It is important to remember that outdoor advertising is not the only way to promote, and its effectiveness may be limited depending on the target audience and other factors. Therefore, when choosing an advertising strategy, it is necessary to take into account various promotion channels in order to maximize the results.